3rd Pregnancy VS the First Two

Yes. I am pregnant again. And hopefully the last time because the UTERUS IS CLOSING SHOP (and I planned to only have 3 children based around everyone fitting into a car without having to buy a disgusting minibus) - Tactics *smirks* HOWEVER this is not a smirking matter as I must be psycho for keeping... Continue Reading →

Instagram is the New Blog (break down of Dubai based “influencers”)

Hello blogsphere, it's been a while😩, honestly I've been so caught up in the Instagram addiction hype, I've neglected my blog because who reads this shit anyway. But now the cliche has occurred and I want to blog for myself because that's how it began, me laughing at my own jokes to help ease the... Continue Reading →

Nursery to Big School

So Dubai isn't like the UK, where kids can get into any school that is within their catchment and then it's free education till university and parents can actually pay for their rent/mortgage. In Dubai, all good British schools have a wait list with some kids being in there for THREE YEARS! Bloody bonkers I... Continue Reading →

School Lunch Box ideas

Kids school lunch boxes is probably the most stressful part of being a parent. Like what the Hell do you put in it EVERY SINGLE school day, that is nutritional, that they ACTUALLY eat and that doesn't make you cry thinking about it. Lyndsay from ieatmypeas.com held a back to school lunch box ides workshop... Continue Reading →

How to BAWSE being a Nursery Mum..

Sorry guys I have been MIA for ages on my blog and that's because an absolute shit-storm occurs when one of the midgets gets a whiff that mummy is doing something other than dying a slow death cleaning human feaces of the floor. Anyway I am back as Summer holidays have started here in Dubai... Continue Reading →

Things you Learn during the toddler years

You need to anticipate toddler hulk tantrums faster. And be able to run faster. Much faster. The guy opening Kinder Egg suprises on YouTube is the only other male voice you'll hear. The toddler no longer sits in the buggy, chair, trolley, carseat, bed or toilet. The bribery levels are off the scale, "mummy will... Continue Reading →

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